Curated Social Data
to Expand Perspectives

Research groups and data product owners often struggle to enrich their core datasets with additional layers of social context.

While openly available social data is valuable, it is notoriously difficult to capture and integrate effectively into existing research frameworks. is a community of data product builders dedicated to leveraging openly available data to drive social change.

Get data on the communities you serve

Social Movements:

  • Track the impact of social movements on environmental policies
  • by mapping social media activity related to environmental activism onto pollution and climate data.

Local Groups:

  • Understand public perception and community concerns about safety in different neighbourhoods
  • by combining crime reports with social sentiment analysis.


  • Identify and respond to emerging health threats
  • by monitoring real-time social media discussions about disease outbreaks and correlate them with public health statistics.

Let us help curate the social data you need

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6-Week Initiatives

Engage with our expert team on a 6-week initiative to develop a curated dataset tailored to your needs.

USD $7,450

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Ongoing Engagements

Partner with us for comprehensive, long-term engagements that provide sustained support and development.

USD $3,950, per month

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Subscribe to our monthly retainer package.